Our History

150 years looking after the law in South Canterbury.

Our Story

Gresson Dorman has been part of the South Canterbury landscape for 150 years.


Our story begins with Mr Perry, one of Timaru’s first solicitors, who emigrated from Tasmania and settled in Timaru in 1865.  Mr Perry was Timaru’s representative on the  first Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works which was formed in 1867 and he also sat on the Provincial Council during 1870 and 1875.  He was appointed solicitor to the Timaru Borough Council in 1868 following its incorporation and to the Timaru Harbour Board in 1877.   Over the intervening years, Mr Perry’s practice grew and evolved into the current-day firm of Gresson Dorman & Co.

Our culture is a product of our history - honest, reliable, diligent and passionate about the law. We are not resting on our laurels though - we are working hard to ensure our future is as bright as our past.

Mr Perry’s practice grew and evolved into the current-day firm of Gresson Dorman & Co with offices in Timaru, Dunedin and Geraldine.

Historic photo of North St and the Timaru Courthouse in the 1880's.

Courthouse, Timaru. Burton Bros. postcard. View of North St. showing from left Mechanics' Institute, Court House and Police Station, taken ca 1880s. Bollinger, Mrs, fl 1958 :Scenic photographs of New Zealand. Ref: PAColl-0808-01. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23219877.